Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Fall Festival... wristbands for sale!!
Wristbands will allow parents and children to go trick or treating to their teacher's classroom, jump in the bounce house, win a cupcake at the cake walk, and play unlimited games for lots of prizes.
We are selling a hotdog, chips and drink for $3 and we have our ever-famous BAKE SALE!!
In the cafeteria we are also having our Teacher Appreciation Tree where kids can thank their teacher by filling out a leaf and placing it on our tree!!
AND... RETURNING this year... we are having a SILENT AUCTION in the library.
We are gladly accepting donations. So far we have had MANY donations from local businesses, restaurants, hotels, tech football!! and lots more. If you have any connections PLEASE help us out by getting a donation. Donations are tax-deductible and the funds we earn will go towards paving our TRACK!!!
With your help... this Fall Festival is going to be LOTS of fun!!
Tuesday, 10/6/2009 at 7pm- in Mrs. Box's room, Meeting to plan 5th grade graduation!!
Thursday, 10/8/2009 at 6:30pm- in the library, Meeting to plan the WALK-A-THON!!
hope to see you there!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
HELP us plan a WALK-A-THON!!
The tentative date for the Walk-a-Thon is Saturday, November 21 at 10am.
We are HOPING to form a planning committee that will meet 4 times prior to this event.
Thursday, Oct 8- 6:30 pm… Interest Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 20- 6:30 pm… planning meeting
Thursday, Nov 5- 6:30 pm… planning meeting
Tuesday, Nov 17- 6:30 pm… planning meeting
We hope this will be a great event, but we need your help to pull it off.
Please email me if you would like to be a part of our planning committee and plan on attending our Oct. 6 interest meeting.
If you would like to help, but are unable to attend the meetings, just email me and I’ll put you on the list!! OR LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST WITH YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND WE'LL ADD YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEER LIST!!
Thank you,
Jenifer Moss, 2009-2010 Westwind PTA President
Fall Festival Planning Committee!!
Our Fall Festival this year will include...
Trick or Treating
Games, Booths, a Bounce House
Halloween Pictures
Cake Walk
a SILENT auction...
and MORE!!
This bang up committee has gotten donations of...
specialty shop gift cards, dance lessons, free pay per view and Internet, free truck, trailer and hay, restaurant gift cards, food donations, TeXes Tech signed footballs and game ticket donations, and lots more!!
In addition to candy and baked good donations, WE are still looking for donations for our silent auction...
hotel donations...
airline miles...
other restaurant or store gift cards...
movie tickets...
sports stuff...
If you have any connections or would like to donate please leave a comment and we will contact you. Or, just turn in your donation at the front office.
Fall Festival is going to be SO FUN!!
Thanks again to all of you who have helped to plan this event!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
JOIN PTA??!!! click here...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Student Directory... last call!!
Westwind PTA Student Directory will be compiled and distributed free of charge to every Westwind family.
Parents MAY purchase a personalized PAW PRINT for their child for $5.
If you would like your information to be included in our directory, or if you would like to purchase a paw print, please print out this form and return it by Wednesday, September 30 with your child's Tuesday folder.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
ANOTHER Fall Festival Planning Meeting
Monday, September 14, 2009
Fall Festival Planning Meeting
we will be having our FIRST Fall Festival Planning Meeting!!
Please come if you are interested in helping out with Fall Festival!!
Fall Festival will be held on Tuesday, October 27.
If you would like to help and are unable to attend this meeting, or if you have any questions please call our PTA VP, Emily at 455-5821 or email her at
Hope to see you on Tuesday Night!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
PTA Meeting
Westwind PTA Meeting.
Tuesday, September 8
6:30 pm in the cafeteria
(Kindergarten will be performing immediately following the meeting.)
NOTE!! We will be approving the 2009-2010 PTA Budget and will be approving proposed changes to the PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules.
All PTA members are encouraged to attend!!
Proposed Standing Rules
Proposed Bylaws
Sunday, August 30, 2009
PTA Bulletin Board
Friday, August 28, 2009
Back to School!!
Paige McCall, the Hospitality Chair, served us milk, juice and doughnuts!
Some of us cried together, and some of us cheered together.
This is going to be a great year!!
Thanks for all of you who worked to make the first day of school great!
and, if you see Paige give her a BIG HUG... she organized a back to school breakfast for all the teachers and staff on Friday of the first week of school.
THANK YOU Paige, and thanks to all the teachers and staff who make Westwind a great place for us to send our children!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
We hope to keep you better informed of events we are sponsoring through monthly emails and this PTA blog.
We hope to provide you with more opportunities to volunteer and get involved for small periods of time.
We hope to involve more fathers through the WATCH D.O.G.S program.We hope to raise money for a paved track and sports court out by the play ground.
We need your help. Please check back with us often and help us make Westwind a better school for all of our students and teachers.
Feel free to contact us at anytime with questions, suggestions or concerns.
We look forward to making 2009-2010 a great Westwind year!!
PTA Meeting... Sept 8
Kindergarten will be performing.
At this meeting we will be approving new Bylaws and Standing Rules.
We will also be approving our 2009-2010 Budget.
Hope to see you there!!